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Guevara Beltran, D., Ayers, J. D., Munoz A., Cronk, L., & Aktipis, A. (2023). What is reciprocity? A review and expert-based classification of cooperative transfers. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Guevara Beltran, D., Mercado, D., Ayers, J. D., Van Horn, A., Alcock, J., Todd, P. M., Cronk, L., & Aktipis, A. (2023). Unpredictable needs are associated with lower expectations of repayment. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, 100095.
Conte, T. J. (2022). Steppe Generosity: Kinship, social reputations, and perceived need drive generous giving in a non-anonymous allocation game among Mongolian pastoral nomads. Evolution and Human Behavior.

Claessens, S., Ayers, J. D., Cronk, L., & Aktipis, A. (2020). Need-based transfer systems are more vulnerable to cheating when resources are hidden. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Cronk, L., & Aktipis, A. (2020). Virtual Cattle and Actual Friends. Anthropology news.
Townsend, C., Aktipis, A., Balliet, D., & Cronk, L. (2020). Generosity among the Ik of Uganda. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 2, E23. doi:10.1017/ehs.2020.22
Conte, T. (2019). Steppe Generosity: Cooperation, Labor Sharing, and Generous Giving among Mongolian Pastoral Nomads. Ph.D. dissertation, anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Cronk, L., Barbesque C., Conte, T., Gervais, M., Iyer, P., McCarthy, B., Sonkoi, D., Townsend, C., & Aktipis A. (2019). Managing risk through cooperation: Need-based transfers and risk pooling among the societies of the Human Generosity Project. In Global Perspectives on Long-Term Community Resource Management, Ludomir R. Lozny and Thomas H. McGovern, eds. Springer.
Cronk, L., Steklis, D., Steklis, N., van den Akker, O. R., & Aktipis, A. (2019). Kin terms and fitness interdependence. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(3), 236-245.
Cronk, L., Aktipis A., Gazzillo S., White, D., Wutich, A., & Sopher, B. (2019). Common knowledge promotes risk pooling in an experimental economic game. PLoS ONE, 14(8): e0220682.
Cronk, L., & Aktipis A. (2018). Identity fusion and fitness interdependence. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41:19-20.
Sznycer, D., Xygalatas, D., Agey, E., Alami, S., An, X., Ananyeva, K.I., Atkinson, Q.D., Broitman, B.R., Conte, T.J., Flores, C., Fukushima, S., Hitokoto, H., Kharitonov, A.N., Onyishi, C.N., Onyishi, I.E., Romero, P.P., Schrock, J.M., Snodgrass, J., Sugiyama, L.S., Takemura, K., Townsend, C., Zhuang, J., Aktipis, C.A., Cronk, L., Cosmides, L., and Tooby, J. (2018). Cross-cultural invariances in the architecture of shame, PNAS.
Aktipis, A., Cronk, L., Alcock, J., Ayers, J.D., Baciu, C., Balliet, D., Boddy, A.M, Curry, O.S., Krems, J. A., Munoz, A., Sullivan, D., Sznycer, D., Wilkinson, G.S., Winfrey, P. (2018), Understanding cooperation through fitness interdependence, Nature Human Behavior, 2, 429-431.
Cronk, L., & Aktipis, A. (2017). Sacredness as an implied threat of supernatural punishment: The case of need-based transfers. Religion, Brain, and Behavior.
Cronk, Lee. (2017). Culture’s influence on behavior: Steps toward a theory. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 11(1):36-52.
Padmini, I., K. (2016). Risk management through social networks among male and female pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda. Ph.D. dissertation, anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Aktipis, C. A., De Aguilar, R., Flaherty, A., Iyer, P., Sonkoi, D., Cronk, L. (2016). Cooperation in an uncertain world: For the Maasai of East Africa need-based transfers outperform account keeping in volatile environments. Human Ecology.
Aktipis, A. (2016). Principles of cooperation across systems: from human sharing to multicellularity and cancer. Evolutionary Applications, 9:17–36. DOI: 10.1111/eva.1230
Gervais, M. M. (2016). RICH Economic Games for Networked Relationships and Communities: Development and Preliminary Validation in Yasawa, Fiji. Field Methods. DOI: 10.1177/1525822X16643709.
Cronk, Lee. (2015). Human cooperation: Evolutionary approaches to a complex phenomenon. Handbook on Evolution and Society: Toward an Evolutionary Social Science, edited by Jonathan Turner, Richard Machalek, and Alexandra Maryanski, pp. 441-459. St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing.
Cronk, Lee, and C. Athena Aktipis. (2015). The Human Generosity Project. Anthropology News, July/August 2015, pages 31-32.
Hao, Y., Cronk L., Armbruster, D., Aktipis, C.A. (2014). Need-based transfers on a network: A model of risk-pooling in ecologically volatile environments. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Cronk, Lee, and Beth L. Leech. (2013). Meeting at Grand Central: Understanding the Social and Evolutionary Roots of Cooperation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Gazzillo, Steven, Barry Sopher, C. Athena Aktipis, and Lee Cronk. (2013). The origins of risk sharing: An experimental approach. Working Paper No. 2013-02, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Aktipis, C. A., Cronk, L., De Aguilar, R. (2011). Risk-pooling and herd survival: An agent-based model of a Maasai gift-giving system. Human Ecology 39(2) 131-140.
Cronk, Lee, and Helen Wasielewski. (2008). An unfamiliar social norm rapidly produces framing effects in an economic game. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 6(4):283-308.
Cronk, Lee. (2007). The influence of cultural framing on play in the trust game: A Maasai example. Evolution and Human Behavior 28:352-358.
2018 Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Cronk et al 2018 HBES presentation
2017 Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Cronk et al 2017 HBES presentation
Ayers et al 2017 HBES presentation
Wasielewski et al 2017 HBES presentation
Munoz et al 2017 HBES presentation
2016 Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Wasielewski, Maldonado, Alcock, Mandel, Krajmalnik-Brown, & Aktipis: Evolutionary Dynamics of the Human Oral Microbiome.
Campenni, Cronk, & Aktipis: Survival and resilience varying the correlation of shocks.
Iyer: The role of livestock transfer relationships in risk management among pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda.
2015 Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Lenfesty, Aktipis, & Cronk: “Spiritual Kinship”, Need-Based Transfers, and the Evolution of Cooperation
Campenni, Cronk, & Aktipis: Need-based transfers and account-keeping in social networks: How do alternatve cooperatve strategies scale-up?
Cronk, Gervais, & Aktipis: Generous by nature: Risk, need, and the evolution of human cooperation.
Chang, Cronk, & Aktipis: Cheater detection in need-based transfer systems.
Gervais: The relational contexts of generosity in a Fijian social network.