Yasawa Island, Fiji, is home to roughly 1200 people who depend largely on marine foraging and horticulture in an environment prone to cyclones, seasonal droughts, and floods. A system of ad hoc need-based requests (kerekere) operates at all levels of Yasawan society. Any social unit can kerekere any other for virtually anything – food, labor, money, land – on the condition that the initiator is in need and the potential donor has enough to share. Although kerekere targets are obliged to share, a transfer requires no short-term reciprocity, and often the flow of goods carries a net imbalance. Human Generosity
Project team member Matthew Gervais is investigating the dynamics of the kerekere system across Yasawan villages and social networks.
Project team member Matthew Gervais is investigating the dynamics of the kerekere system across Yasawan villages and social networks.
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